Join Us for Our Next Week for Our
March 24, 2024 / Beginning at 10:00AM
Sermon by Vicor Jeff Ulicny
(Traditional Service / Socialize in Fellowship Hall After)
March 24, 2024 / Beginning at 10:00AM
Sermon by Vicor Jeff Ulicny
(Traditional Service / Socialize in Fellowship Hall After)
Discover An Engaging Weekly Bible Forum with Vicar Jeff Ulicny
Vicar Jeff Ulicny leads an engaging exploration of the Holy Bible which currently is discussing the Lutheran Confessions and Theology. Open forum for question, and examination of what Biblical truth is. A small, but growing group, invites you to this fellowship event every Wednesday evening after the 6:30PM Lenten Service. It will strengthen your faith and establish sincere brothers and sister in Christ.
Vicar Jeff Ulicny leads an engaging exploration of the Holy Bible which currently is discussing the Lutheran Confessions and Theology. Open forum for question, and examination of what Biblical truth is. A small, but growing group, invites you to this fellowship event every Wednesday evening after the 6:30PM Lenten Service. It will strengthen your faith and establish sincere brothers and sister in Christ.
St. John offers a different approach to Sunday School for youths, engaging them in the creation of plays based on Holy Scripture using puppets to produce their own video series. The class not only educates students about the Bible, but presents an opportunity to learn skills such as writing, acting, camera and sound operation, as well as video production. Director of education Tracy Scott leads this ongoing program of creativity and fellowship for youths to reach an audeience with their own youth ministry. For more information contact Tracy Scott here.
Sunday School Mixes Bible with Creativity
Here are some of the photos from the Baby Shower Event for Evelyn and Luke Kern held at St. John Lutheran Church on January 2nd of this year. We celebrated the upcoming birth of their daughter, due to arrive on January 20th. The shower was hosted by Maria Ensign (Evelyn’s mom), Diane Oppenneer and Jody Owen. The celebration included shower games, light snacks and many gifts to welcome our future St. John member! Please pray for the Kern family as they prepare for the arrival of their precious little girl.
Celebrating the Upcoming Arrival
Holiday Happenings at St. John Lutheran Church are unfolding throughout this month. We began December with our Christmas Cookie Walk on the 4th. See some of the sweet, sugary highlights from that event here. Our entry way features our Mitten Tree to spread the warmth this Christmas Season for youths attending Libertas Christian School (Hudsonville.) Bring in a donation (mittens and gloves) to hang on the tree (pictured at left), which will run through Christmas and be distributed in early January. A children's play took place at our Christmas Eve Service. Visit St. John today become involved in connecting people to Jesus!
Hang Your Gift of Warmth on Our Entryway Christmas Tree
Donate Mittens and Gloves for Winter
St. John Lutheran Church will be welcoming our neighbors and community with a Christmas Cookie Walk Event taking place at the church on Saturday, December 4, from 10AM to 1PM. This sweet event will present homemade baked treats, primarily cookies, available for a donation to our ministry, perfectly suited for the holiday season. If you would like to donate baked goods for this event, speak with someone at the church and we'll coordinate a time for drop off. Volunteers needed.
Christmas Cookie Event Open to Public December 4th 10AM-1PM
Reverend Cerchez will be presenting an Apologetics series at Life Stream Church beginning Tuesday, October 5. He will address one popular apologetics topic in each session of this 3-week class. The classes take place September 21, 28 and October 5, from 7:00-8:00PM. Life Stream Church is located on the Allendale Campus, 6561A Lake Michigan Drive, The Hub, Allendale. Sign up and register here.
Rev. Cerchez Presents Apologetics Series at Life Stream
St. John Lutheran Church welcomed guest pastor for our Sunday Morning Service on August 15th during Pastor Cerchez' and his family vacation. Reverend Timothy Verity, who previously served at St. John Lutheran as interim pastor, lead the congregation in worship presenting the sermon, "We Are, Proudly, Pie in the Sky People," addressing the unBiblical practice of worshiping idols and the spiritual dangers of idolatry. Scripture supporting the message focused on Joshua 24, verses 1-2 and 14-18. Pastor Verity also served as intentional interim pastor at Trinity, Reed City, Michigan. Watch his sermon here via our St. John Lutheran Church YouTube channel.
Visiting Pastor Timothy Verity Delivers Sermon on Idoliatry
"As For Me and My House," Serve God
Reverend Timothy Verity.
St. John is the host of Allendale Prays for Thursday, August 12th, 4:00PM at Allendale Park. The public is invited to join us! Allendale Prays is a series of short pop-up outdoor prayer functions, which last roughly 15 minutes, invite the public to pray for our community, each other, and that the name of Jesus Christ would be glorified in our town. Find the schedule on the Allendale Prays website and visit or following the Allendale Prays Facebook page. Check out our Allendale Prays page.
St. John Hosts Outdoor Event at Allendale Park August 12th, 4:00PM
Watch Pastor Marin Cerchez and St. John at Allendale Prays, Allendale Park, on July 20th.
'Allendale Prays' Connecting Our Community to Jesus
Watch Pastor Marin Cerchez and St. John at Allendale Prays, Allendale Park, on July 20th.
St. John held a Summer Congregation Picnic on Sunday, July 25, presenting an outdoor lunchtime gathering of faith, fellowship, food and family. Kirk White and Bruce Owen grilled up hot dogs and hamburgers, with Kirk, Jody, Ashley and Lucy setting up. Many church members provided dishes and salads for the event. God provided sunshine and warm weather making the event a memorable time for all. Check out a gallery of Picnic photos here.
Watch Video Highlights of Event
St. John Summer Picnic
St. John Provides Free Parking and
Free Grilled Hot Dogs for Lunch
Free Grilled Hot Dogs for Lunch
Watch highlights from a Pop Up Art Fair from April of this year.
Pop-Up Arts and Crafts Fair Taking Place August 6-8
Watch video of the Arts & Crafts Fair that took place in April of this year.
On February 24, a special moment was captured at St. John Lutheran Church. Pastor Marin Cerchez's wife, Tatiana, sat down for 90 minutes to share her pathway to faith and discuss issues facing society today with Christ being the only answer. This series with Tatiana appears on the St. John YouTube TV channel and our St. John Lutheran Church Facebook video page. The current video also appears on the "St. John Video" page on this website.
Watch Video Series Highlighting Tatiana Cerchez
St. John Lutheran Church welcomed our neighbors to Katie's First Out Of The Barn Pop-Up Art Fair Event for 2021, which took place April 23-25. The community event supports small business. Many attended the outdoor festival to shop and connect with neighbors. St. John provided free parking in their lot, and church members grilled up hundreds of free hot dogs for visitors and provided free ice-cold water and coffee. The Out Of The Barn Art Fairs vents continue through fall at the corner of 48th Avenue and Fillmore Street. Next one scheduled May 28-31.
Connecting People to Jesus During Pop Up Art Fair
To do our part to help slow down the spread of the coronavirus the church leadership reminds our members about general precautions, such as staying at home if you think you may be infected with the Covid-19, acquiring the free vaccine at many area locations and wearing masks and social distancing regarding personal concerns.
Click here to view the original CDC information documents concerning Covid-19 precautions and response. If you have any prayer request email Pastor at [email protected] or contact your elder.
To do our part to help slow down the spread of the coronavirus the church leadership reminds our members about general precautions, such as staying at home if you think you may be infected with the Covid-19, acquiring the free vaccine at many area locations and wearing masks and social distancing regarding personal concerns.
Click here to view the original CDC information documents concerning Covid-19 precautions and response. If you have any prayer request email Pastor at [email protected] or contact your elder.
The kids of St. John Lutheran Church presented a play titled "Breaking News" for the congregation on Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021, that was both amusing and thought-provoking. What if modern-day media was tasked with covering the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? In acting roles, Chloie, Clareissa, Ashley, Lucy, Daniel, Anna and Agata donned colorful costumes, parodied current trends, and performed a song. We all thank Tracy and Randy Scott, and all of the parents who made this possible. Watch the video HERE ON ST.JTV YouTube Channel.
St. John Kids Present an Entertaining and Educational
Play Connecting Today's People to the Living Christ
Play Connecting Today's People to the Living Christ
A Modern-Day Media Twist on the Crucifixion/Resurrection of Jesus
Outreach that includes all venues, sharing the gospel with God's
anointed Word, through song, mentoring, feeding the homeless and
reaching the lost with prayer the good new of Jesus Christ!
Evangelists David and Linda Kinde
1133 Baldwin Street, Jenison, MI 49428
Email: [email protected]
anointed Word, through song, mentoring, feeding the homeless and
reaching the lost with prayer the good new of Jesus Christ!
Evangelists David and Linda Kinde
1133 Baldwin Street, Jenison, MI 49428
Email: [email protected]
If you are a student at Grand Valley State University and would like to attend St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church services but do not have a ride, call Pastor Marin Cerchez (616 201-7305) and we'll arrange transportation via our church shuttle service.
If you are a student at Grand Valley State University and would like to attend St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church services but do not have a ride, call Pastor Marin Cerchez (616 201-7305) and we'll arrange transportation via our church shuttle service.
Public (in-person) Sunday 10:00am Worship Services at St. John Lutheran Church have resumed but with implementation of cautions in observance of the Covid-19 pandemic. Concerning the wearing of face masks regarding attending St. John, Executive Order dictates to wear a mask when entering and exiting the building. It can be removed once in the sanctuary. Anyone in a church building who is not at least six feet away from people who are not in their household should wear a mask.